DxCure Medicine Blog

August 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes Symptoms DxCure

What are the common Diabetes Symptoms?
At first you'll have an increase thrust for water and at the same time frequent urination. That's probably major diabetes symptoms which make you anxious you've diabetes. You'll also feel excess hunger all over the day but eating much will not cause any weight gain; however you'll loss weight day by day.

Is there any associated Diabetes Symptoms?
You may or may not face blurred vision, tiredness, tingling on foot. sometime hypertension also developed.

How can I confirm Diabetes Symptoms?
You need to do some Blood & Urine test to make sure your diabetes symptoms are due to diabetes mellitus. On urine test, presence of glucose will be detected. Best practice is performing fasting blood glucose level or OGTT test.

Complicated Diabetes Symptoms:
Neuropathy (tingling sensation) on peripheral organ, Retinopathy- blurred vission and nephropathy are the common diabetes complication can occurs if disease has been ignored long time or in chronic state.

Treatments of Diabetes Symptoms:
Diabetes has two types 1. Insulin dependent 2. Insulin independent. Insulin dependent diabetes will be treated with human, brovain or procain insulin. On the other hand insulin independent diabetes will be treated with oral drugs (anti diabetic agents) like biguanide (Tab. Metformin). Consult your physician along with your diabetes symptoms to select best drug.

Cure of Diabetes Symptoms:
Diabetes is not a curative disease. Once you've diabetes it will suffer you lifelong. But good news is it can be managed. Do physical exercise on a regular basis to utilize blood sugar. avoid excess carbohydrate or sugar containing foods.

Prevention of Diabetes Symptoms:
Weight is a major factor for diabetes symptoms. Changing lifestyle by regular exercise can prevent this disease. 



What is Cannabis?
Cannabis is a name of plant and also a drug made from it. Its is well know as marihuana among mass people.

Which purpose cannabis is used?
Due to presence of tetrahydrocannabinol cannabis is used as psychoactive drugs. For psychoactive properties, its one of the frequent abusive drug also.

How addictive is it?
Most addictive substance of the world is nicotine > cocaine > alcohol > heroin. In this consideration cannabis or marihuana is lest addictive.

What are the bad effects of cannabis?
Cannabis is responsible for 1. Memory impairment 2. Excess weight gain 3. Respiratory depression 

What is the treatment/cure of cannabis addiction?
Treatment is mostly focusing on behavioral & group therapy on a detox center. If you are not mentally strong enough to get rid from addiction you should contact with your nearest detox center. There is no over the counter drug to treat such addiction at home.

Is masturbation harmful for health?

Perhaps its the most frequently asked question to physicians by men confused about sexual disability. Answer is pretty simple- No! There's no medical reason to tell that masturbation has any side effects on health. Some physician treated it as a natural and healthy habits to avoid stress. Only considerable bad side is its been forbidden on religion.

Should I Need any treatment to avoid masturbation?
Answer is no! There's definitely no treatment required to avoid masturbation. 

I'm getting weak due to excess masterbation. What should I do?
Its true that excess masturbation could lead to sleepiness and its normal. Avoid excess masturbation or eat plenty of protein to avoid weakness.

Is it true that masturbation reduce sexual ability?
Its completely misconception. Masterbation has nothing to do with sexual ability as it is self a form of sex. Nicotine, some drugs like beta blocker and disease are related to sexual inability.

What's the ideal time for sex to pleasure a girl?
There's definitely no such time-frame. Concept of sex deffer from men to women. Sometime a women can have orgasm within 2-3 mins sometime it can't be gain after trying several hours.

Do I need any medication to enhance sexual power?
Answer is no! Sex mostly depends on mental condition. If you're stimulated enough, you'll gain orgasm within 1-2 mins. If you're claim, you can perform for a long. Proper practice to control mind can enhance your sexual ability, no medication/drugs will be needed.

I can hold spem 1-2 mins only, Is it ok?
If you're gaining orgasm within 1-2 mins its normal also. the reason behind getting fast orgasm is stimulation. As you're focusing more on masturbation, thats the cause which responsible for fast orgasm. focusing less will increase your orgasm time.